Episode 198

10 Tips for Pivoting and Jumping into Something New like Starting a Business

  1. Research your options and figure out what is possible and what’s realistic (but don’t spend too much time researching or waiting for the “perfect” time b/c it will never come
  2. Set goals and make a plan to achieve them - laying out what you need to do and what actions you’ll need to take regularly
  3. Get help - hire a coach, join a mastermind, read books, listen to podcasts, buy courses - what I’ve done
  4. Continuously check in, reevaluate, learn and pivot when necessary
  5. Don’t stake your personal identity or worth to the success of a project or business. They are unrelated
  6. Remember that you have more time than you think
  7. Consider the worst-case scenario and what would happen if you “failed”
  8. Stop comparing yourself to others and instead focus on being inspired and learning - we are all on our own journey
  9. Get help with the process or work - hire an assistant, marketing person, team, etc - this may require taking a risk and investing
  10. Document your journey and share with others - even if you don’t achieve your goals, you might inspire someone to chase theirs.


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Own Your Career Own Your Life
Stop drifting and take control of your future!

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Andy Storch